World Veterinary Day


‘Veterinarians shall respect animals as sentient beings.
Veterinarians shall have knowledge of animal health and welfare science, ethics and law.
Veterinarians shall ensure/restore the welfare of the animals under their care in whichever section of the veterinary profession they work, bearing in mind the five freedoms and promoting positive welfare. Animals should experience both a good life and a humane death without unnecessary suffering.’

European Code Veterinary Conduct

Veterinarians shall respect animals as sentient beings. 
Veterinarians shall have knowledge of animal health and welfare science, ethics and law. 
Veterinarians shall ensure/restore the welfare of the animals under their care in whichever section of the veterinary profession they work, bearing in mind the five freedoms and promoting positive welfare. Animals should experience both a good life and a humane death without unnecessary suffering.

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Dierenarts & Praktijk

Fijne Feestdagen

Dank voor alle steun! Fijne feestdagen en tot volgend jaar. Wij zijn er klaar voor en hebben er zin in!
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